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We always offer free air checks. Stop in today and have your tire pressure checked. Drive Safe!

New and Used Tires
Huge selection of new and used tires. We have the tires for your vehicle.
We'll even buy used tires that are gently used.
Ask us how!

Oil Changes & Maintenance
Oil changes and routine maintenance are important to the lifespan of your vehicle. You can trust us with your tire needs as well as any routine oil changes your vehicle needs.

Tire Rotations
Rotating your tires can insure you're getting the most life out of them. Don't wait too long! its suggested you rotate your tires every 6 months or 6,000 - 8,000 miles.
Having your tires properly
aligned is important for safety
as well as getting the full life
of your tires. If you feel your
steering wheel pulling to one side as you drive, it might be time to check your alignment.


Brake Pad Replacement
Pay attention to noise from your vehicle when you apply the brakes. Squeaky or grinding brakes means it's time for new brake pads. If you start to hear grinding sounds don't panic. Brake pads are designed to do this to alarm you that it's time for new ones. But don't wait too long. Be sure to stop in and get them changed soon.
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